Ear mites are microscopic arthropods, and the one we know best infects the ears of our pets, known as Otodectes cyanotis. (There is also a rabbit ear mite called Psoroptes cuniculi.) Ear mites are quite contagious between pets and can cause intense itching and scratching. Self-trauma and irritation in the ear can lead to more serious and painful infections. They aren’t completely confined to the ear canal but do not go too far away from the ear itself, and they aren’t contagious to humans.
Symptoms of an ear mite infestation: scratching at the ears, head-shaking, scabbing/bleeding just inside the ears or on the back of the ear flaps, hair loss on the head, and a dark brown to almost black, slightly dry ear debris. There are definitely other conditions in the ears that can cause similar symptoms: bacterial or yeast overgrowth in the ear, mites such as Demodex in dogs, ear polyps or tumors to name a few.
Ear mites are treatable, but it’s very important to treat all the pets in your home at the same time. As mentioned before, they are quite contagious, so they are easily ‘passed around’. It’s important to treat them long enough as well: ear mite treatments are not effective at killing eggs, which take 3 WEEKS to therefore we recommend any treatment be effective or continued for at least 4 weeks to kill the young mites as they hatch.
Please schedule an exam with your veterinarian if you are suspicious of ear mites to confirm the diagnosis. We have prescription products that are safe for puppies and kittens as young as 8 weeks of age. We also carry products that are safe for rabbits.
NOTE – If you do elect to purchase an over-the-counter product, check labels carefully as some are only safe for pets that are over 12 weeks old.
Here are some of our most commonly used ear mite medications that are available in the clinic and from our online pharmacy.
SELARID (selamectin topical, 8 weeks of age and older) https://southwestvetservices.securevetsource.com/itemView.pml?productId=161020&auto=true
REVOLUTION (selamectin topical, 8 weeks of age and older) https://southwestvetservices.securevetsource.com/itemView.pml?productId=133842&auto=true
ERADIMITE (ear drops, >12 weeks of age) https://southwestvetservices.securevetsource.com/itemView.pml?productId=106829&auto=true